Steven Wasson and Corinne Soum combine the experience of having been students and assistants of Etienne Decroux, and having taught and performed throughout the world. Theatre de l’Ange Fou/ Company Steven Wasson & Corinne Soum has developed a personal repertoire with its roots in Corporeal Mime, and at the same time explore the infinite possibilities of a poetic dramaturgy, welcoming the use of music, films, texts and set. The Theatre de l’Ange Fou creative journey and teaching has been going on for over 35 years.
“This program is designed for performers, actors, mimes, dancers and researchers wishing to perfect their physical theatre skills, their creative process, and their knowledge in the innovative method and technique of Corporeal Mime.
There are 4 options available to choose from in following the online training:
Option 1: For participants already having a strong experience in corporeal mime.
The training sessions will be tailored according to the needs and the wishes of the participants. The program could be focused specifically on the Repertoire of Etienne Decroux, and the postmodern repertoire, as well as on figures and a high level technique. It could also include composition sessions and assistance for various creative projects.
One to one individual Session:
1h15 minutes one to one session fees: $50
4 one to one sessions of 1h15 minutes: $200.
Sessions can be scheduled as once a week, or 4 days in a row and renewed as desired.
If you are a group (from 2 or more) participant fees for 1h15 minutes session: $25
4 sessions: $100 per participant

Option 2. For participants having a bit of experience in Corporeal Mime and wishing to go further with their training and knowledge.
Training sessions will be designed around perfecting the technique of Corporeal Mime: gestural grammar, body articulation, counterweights, displacements in space, mobile statuary, memorization of different figures, dynamorythm and musicality of movement. Extracts of the repertoire, as well as improvisation and composition skills will also be part of option 2.
One to one individual Session:
1h15 minutes one to one session fees: $50.
4 one to one sessions of 1h15 minutes: $200.
Sessions can be scheduled as once a week or 4 days in a row and renewed as desired.
If you are a group (from 2 or more) participant fees for 1h15 minutes session is $25
4 sessions: is $100 per participant.

Option 3: For participants having no previous knowledge of Corporeal Mime.
Participants will discover the innovative method and precise technique of Corporeal Mime focusing on the body expression and physical action in theatre. Training sessions will be designed around the introduction of the technique of Corporeal Mime: gestural grammar, body articulation, counterweights, displacements in space, mobile statuary, memorization of different figures, dynamorythm and musicality of movement. Extracts of the repertoire, as well as experiencing improvisation and composition skills will also be part of option 3.
One to one individual Session:
1h15 minutes one to one session fees: $50
4 one to one sessions of 1h15 minutes: $200.
Sessions can be scheduled as once a week or 4 days in a row and renewed as desired.
If you are a group (from 2 or more) participant fees for 1h15 minutes session is $25
4 sessions: $100 per participant

Option 4: For Theatre, Mime, and Dance schools and or companies wishing to invite us to teach a workshop on Corporeal Mime, to give a lecture on the legacy of Etienne Decroux and the creative journey of the Theatre de l’Ange Fou:
We will be happy to put together a program suitable to the wish of the inviting host, and specifically designed for its students and or company members. Fees will have to be decided between the Theatre de l’Ange Fou/Steven Wasson and Corinne Soum, and the inviting body according to the length and the content of the workshop.

Theory and History classes on Corporeal Mime, Etienne Decroux’s Legacy and the creative journey of the Theatre de l’Ange Fou are available upon demand on all the options.

More information about us and the curriculum:
For more details concerning the curriculum and explanation of the Corporeal Mime technique, repertoire, composition and improvisation, please go to our White Church Project pages, and click on the “Training page” and on the “Training schedule page”. Here you will find a full description of our “Ongoing Full time residency Program” which the online training program is based on.
You will also find throughout our website information about our background, our performances and touring, our most recent productions, and in the “Films and Media” pages, writings about Etienne Decroux and Corporeal Mime.
How to enroll for the online training:
All the classes and lectures are taught via Zoom from our White Church Theatre Project site, a deconsecrated Church that we have transformed into a theatre space. The location is in Wisconsin, U.S.A. If you are interested in the online training please contact us at or at so we can discuss together what you are looking for, the time of the day you would like to take your training session, how many sessions you would like to enroll for, and your creative goal.
Once we decide together what is the best option for you, please go to our application form with details on how to pay for your classes and workshops.
Payment for the Online Training Program:
If you live in The U.S you could pay by check. Please make it payable to Steven Wasson and send it to The White Church Theatre postal address.
Alternatively you can pay direct via our account.
For any other information contact us at or at